ID = 5 |
Title = Application
of the Field and Laboratory Emission Cell "FLEC" - Performance Study, Intercomparison
Study, and Case Study of Damaged Linoleum in an Office |
Abstract = The
Field and Laboratory Emission Cell (FLEC) has been tested and evaluated
for qualitative and quantitative emission testing of volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) from building products. An air supply control unit has been developed
and its performance is reported in the range of 100 to 500 ml/min airflows.
The recovery in the FLEC has been tested with a new performance test kit
with dodecane and 2-ethylhexanol, respectively. Additionally, five VOCs
emitted from a liquid floor wax were measured in the FLEC and in a small
climate chamber. The first order rate constants (k_1) and the initial emission
rates (R_o) obtained from the time versus concentration data measured over
24 hours proved to be comparable. The application of FLEC in a complaint
case of malodorous linoleum in an office building showed that artificial
wetting of the linoleum had a marked influence on the qualitative offgassing
of odorous VOCs such as fatty acids, glycol ethers, and 2-decenal. |
Location = Indoor
Air 1995 5: 169-203 |
Reference type = Journal
(Editor board) |
Author = Wolkoff,P.
Clausen,P.A. Nielsen,P.A. |
Company or Institute
= |