ID = 8 |
Title = Emission
of Volatile Organic Compounds from a Vinyl Floor Covering |
Abstract = The
emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from a vinyl floor covering
has been evaluated in two small climatic chambers and a microchamber using
different air exchange rates and loading factors. The concentration versus
time emission curves for cyclohexanone and phenol were decreasing. Evaluation
of the emission data showed that a first order decay model was insufficient
to describe the emission adequately. However, in spite of the different
air exchange rates and chamber concentrations, the first order rate constant
could be reproduced when the model was fitted to simultaneous measurements
in the three chambers. This indicated that the emission was controlled
by internal diffusion. A simplified model for emission controlled by internal
diffusion in the source was developed, applying a diffusion coefficient
which depends exponentially on the concentration in the source. This model
described the emission curves satisfactorily. However, the model parameters
were not reproducible, probably because the samples were inhomogeneous
with respect to VOC content and effective thickness. All results indicated
that the concentrations of cyclohexanone and phenol were almost homogeneous
at test start (because of the wrapping of the samples during storage prior
to testing) and that the emission after a short initial period became controlled
by internal diffusion in the source. |
Location = Modeling
of Idoor Air Quality and Exposure, ASTM STP 1205, Niren L. Nagda, Ed.,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1993, pp 3-13. |
Reference type = |
Author = Clausen,P.A.
Laursen,B. Wolkoff,P. Rasmusen,E. Nielsen,P.A. |
Company or Institute
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