ID = 11 |
Title = Design
and Characterization of the CLIMPAQ, Chamber for Laboratory Investigations
of Materials, Pollution and Air Quality |
Abstract = A test
chamber has been developed in order to provide a small and simple, but
well documented emission testing facility capable of testing construction
products in a climate where the important climatic parameters like temperature,
ventilation rate and air speed may be varied independently around typical
indoor values. The CLIMPAQ is made of panes of window glass. Other main
surface materials are stainless steel and eloxated aluminium. The chamber
has a volume of 50.9 l and is designed to meet the requirements of the
important methods for quantifying air pollution. In this investigation
human subjects acted as air pollution judges, and chemical Characterization
of the air pollution was done. Carpet, linoleum, wall paint and sealant
were tested simultaneously in the CLIMPAQ and in four other chambers ranging
from a full scale chamber of 28 m³ to a field and laboratory emission
cell of 35 ml. Results are comparable and deviations are seen to be the
result of different exposures and sink properties in the different chambers. |
Location = Indoor
Air`93 vol 2: 507-512 |
Reference type = Proceeding
(Conference) |
Author = Gunnarsen,L.
Nielsen,P.A. Wolkoff,P. |
Company or Institute
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