ID = 14 |
Title = International
Comparison Experiment on the Determination of VOCs Emitted from Indoor
Materials Using Small Test Chambers |
Abstract = An interlaboratory
comparison of three materials was conducted in order to assess the agreement
among laboratories for characterizing volatile organic compounds emitted
from indoor materials and products using small test chambers. Results from
the twenty participating laboratories showed that chambers of different
materials (glass and stainless steel) and of widely different capacity
(0.035 to 1475 l) appeared equally suitable. The repeatability of duplicate
measurements (including sampling) within each laboratory was good. The
test with a known n-dodecane source showed, for most laboratories, an unexpected
and yet unexplained discrepancy. The interlaboratory agreement appeared
reasonable (coefficient of variation 26 - 42%) with a PVC tile, but with
a wax the scatter was very high. |
Location = Indoor
Air`93 vol 2: 573-578 |
Reference type = Proceeding
(Conference) |
Author = Colombo,A.
Bortoli,M.D. Tichenor,B.A. |
Company or Institute
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