ID = 23 |
Title = Emission
of Monoterpenes from Wooden Furniture |
Abstract = Emissions
from wooden shelf boards were monitored in climate test chambers and more
than 20 different monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes could be detected. The
highest initial concentration was recorded for alpha-pinene with -- 4000
ug/m³, which decayed significantly within one week. Other important
components, which occurred in higher concentrate were 3-pinene, delta-3-carene
and limonene. When repeating the test with the same samples after seven
months, 120 - 130 um/m³ alpha-pinene were still found in the chamber
air. During this test period, a constant emission with a TVOC value of
about 200 ug/m³ was observed. Differences between two 1 m³ chambers
and the FLEC cell were obvious in one case. |
Location = Indoor
Air`96 vol 3 : 607-612 |
Reference type = Proceeding
(Conference) |
Author = Salthammer,T.
Fuhrmann,F. |
Company or Institute
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