ID = 24 
Title = VOC Emission from Selected Materials in Different Chambers 
Abstract = As a part of the CEC research project European Data Base on Indoor Pollution Sources in Buildings emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) were determined independently for the same materials in two laboratories. At the Technical University of Denmark the materials were tested in a laminar flow glass chamber. In Technical Research Centre of Finland stainless steel chambers of volumes 0,12 and 1 m³ and FLEC were used. The materials tested were PVC-flooring, textile carpet, waterborne paint on gypsum board, and waterborne varnish on beechparquet. TVOC emission factors and the emission factors of selected main compounds of the materials measured in two kinds of chambers are presented. 
Location = Indoor Air`96 vol 3 : 613-618 
Reference type = Proceeding (Conference) 
Author = Tirkkonen,T. Andersen,T.E. Saarela,K. Clausen,G. Knudsen,H. 
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Last updated 1997-01-24