ID =
26 |
Title =
VOC Emission form some floor cleaning agents. |
Abstract = The
emission profiles of selected VOCs and TVOC from 10 different cleaning
agents (70µm film) were monitored over a period of one week in the
micro emission cell "FLEC" (22ºC, 50% relative humidity and approximate
air velocity 1 cm/s). The peak emissions for nonpolar VOCs (mainly perfume
components) were reached less then 1/2
hour after the film was applied. For the polar VOCs (1,2-propandiol, 2(2-ethoxyethoxy)ethanol
and 2(2-buthoxyethoxy)ethanol, the peak emissions were delayed 3-7 hours. |
Location =
Proceedings of Healthy Buildings '94, Budapest 1994, Vol. 1,
page 247-252 |
Reference type =
Conference proceeding |
Author = Karl
Ventzel Vejrup and Peder Wolkoff |
Company or Institute
= National Institute of Occupational Health, Copenhagen,
Denmark |