ID = 27 |
Title = Observations
on Application of the Field and Laboratory Emission Cell (FLEC) for Latex
Paint Emission -- Effect of Relative Humidity |
Abstract = The
U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Pollution Prevention and
Control Division (APPCD) has performed testing for products with different
surface and mass transfer characteristics to evaluate the application of
the Field and Laboratory Emission Cell (FLEC) for field studies. The goal
of these tests has been to gain a better understanding of the effects of
the FLEC operating parameters (e.g., high air exchange, high loading, low
velocity). During recent tests, the impact of relative humidity (RH) on
emissions from latex paint applied to gypsum board was investigated because
RH may impact how the FLEC could be used in field studies. Dynamic emissions
tests in small (53 l) chambers showed that RH levels in the chamber affected
emissions of ethylene glycol, but had little impact on Texanol. The data
suggested that the FLEC must be used with a humidified air source, which
was demonstrated in a subsequent experiment. When operated with supply
air at 50% RH, emissions measurements for ethylene glycol with the FLEC
were comparable to results with small chambers, but Texanol measurements
suggested that further evaluations are required. |
Location = Indoor
Air`96 vol 2 ; 657-662 |
Reference type = Proceeding
(Conference) |
Author = Roache,N.
Howard,E. Guo,Z. Fortmann,R. |
Company or Institute
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