ID = 32 |
Title = Building Materials: Emission of Volatile Compounds - Field and Laboratory Emission Cell (FLEC) |
Abstract = This
general NORDTEST method specifies a laboratory test procedure for evaluation
of the emission of volatile compounds from materials as well as combinations
of materials which may affect indoor air quality. The method can be used
to rank various products and product types with respect to their emission
profiles (e.g. emission factors, specific organic compounds emitted) in
e.g. product development.
This laboratory method is applicable especially to planar test pieces where the emission is determined by diffusion in the material. The method describes a sampling procedure for newly produced materials, but has also application for aged materials or materials which have been installed in a building. As indicated by the name of the apparatus it is also possible to perform in situ emission measurements on building materials in buildings. However, the procedure for such measurements is not described in this method. Analysis of the emitted volatile compounds is mainly conducted using adsorbent tubes and gas chromatography. However, the apparatus can also be used for emission measurements of compounds detectable with other analytical techniques. More detailed instructions may exist for certain types of materials. However, such instructions should be covered by the general recommendations in the method. |
Location = NORDTEST NT Build 438 |
Reference type = Standard Methodes |
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