ID = 34 |
Title = Comparing
the Field and Laboratory Emission Cell (FLEC) with Traditional Emissions
Testing Chambers |
Abstract = A series
of tests was designed to evaluate the performance of the field and laboratory
emission cell (FLEC) as applied to the testing of emissions from two indoor
coating materials, floor wax and latex paint. These tests included validation
of the repeatability of the test method, evaluation of the effect of different
air velocities on source emissions, and a comparison of FLEC versus small
chamber characterization of emissions.The FLEC exhibited good repeatability
in characterization of emissions when applied to both sources under identical
conditions. Tests with different air velocities showed significant effects
on the emissions from latex paint, yet little effect on emissions from
the floor wax. Comparisons of data from the FLEC and small chamber show
good correlation for measurements involving floor wax, but less favourable
results for emissions from latex paint. The procedures and findings are
discussed; conclusions are limited and include emphasis on the need for
additional study and development of a standard method. |
Location = Characterizing
Sources of Indoor Air Pollution and Related Sink Effects, ASTM STP 1287,
Bruce A. Tichenor, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, 1996,
pp. 98-111. |
Reference type = Books |
Author = Roache,N.F.
Guo,Z. Fortmann,R. Tischenor,B.A. |
Company or Institute
= |