ID = 36 |
Title = Indoor
Climate Labeling of Building Products Chemical Emission Testing, Modeling,
and Indoor Relevant Odor Thresholds |
Abstract = A system
how to label the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from new
building products according to their impact on comfort has been developed.
The system unifies chemical emission testing over time (months), modeling,
and health evaluation. The principle is to determine the time value, t(Cm),
required to reach the relevant indoor air value, Cm (based on odor and
mucous irritation thresholds), in a standard room. t(Cm) is a measure of
the period of time during which a new building product may cause air quality
problems, unless special precautions are made. The time value can be used
as a label and for ranking purposes, as demonstrated with two sealants. |
Location = Healthy
Building`94 vol 1 ; 231-236 |
Reference type = Proceeding
(Conference) |
Author = Wolkoff,P.
Nielsen,P.A. |
Company or Institute
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