ID = 55 |
Title = High-speed emission testing of cleaning agents with the FLEC. Part I: method development |
Abstract =
It was recently shown that the emission from a film of a cleaning agent
had two peak emissions, the nonpolar VOCs immediately after application
and the polar VOCs with some delay (Vejrup and Wolkoff, 1994).
The purpose of this study was to develop a method to measure the emission profile of cleaning agents with a high time resolution (high sampling frequency) to enable optimal emission testing e.g. sampling on Tenax TA. |
Location = Proceedings of Healthy Buildings '95, Milano, 1995, Vol. 2, page 983-988. |
Reference type = Conference proceeding |
Author = Karl V. Vejrup and Peder Wolkoff |
Company or Institute
= National Institute of Occupational Health, Denmark,
Lersų Parkalle 105, DK-2100 Copenhagen