ID = 57 |
Title = Indoor Climate Labelling of Building Materials: The Experimental Approach for a Prototype |
Abstract =
A system for labelling building materials according to their impact on
the indoor air quality has been developed and introduced in Denmark. the
system takes into account the emission decay of volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) form new building materials according to their impact on comfort
and health. The principle is to determine the time value, t(Cm), required
to reach the relevant indoor air value, Cm, of a given VOC (presently,
based on odour and mucus membrane irritation thresholds), in a standard
room. t(Cm) is a measure of the duration in witch a new building material
may cause increased exposure and enhance the probability of increased indoor
air quality problems, unless special precautions are made.
The emission profiles of carpets, sealants, and waterborne paints have been measured for about eight months. The time values of potentially odorous and irritate Voices have been determined. In addition, some of the time values have been obtained from the emission decay constants based on short-term testing. The results show that the use of mathematical modelling of the emission profile may be associated with certain pitfalls. The principles laid down in the Danish Indoor Climate Labelling system may also be used for singular VOCs of which a specific health endpoint is known. |
Location = Characterising Sources of Indoor Air Pollution and Related Sink Effects, ASTM STP 1287, Bruce A. Tichenor, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, 1996, pp. 331-349. |
Reference type = Book |
Author = Wolkoff,P. and Nielsen,P.A. |
Company or Institute = |